ForgeMe is the result of 25 years of experience in organization and personal development. Its name expresses its ambition, to help you Forge yourself, to become stronger, whatever the field.


How to become stronger? How to achieve great projects?


ForgeMe will provide you with a companion who will guide you on a daily basis, advising you so that what you had given up until now can become a reality. There's nothing magical about it, ForgeMe will help you develop habits (probably one of the most difficult things in life) and track your goals and progress.


You will also be able to rely on many Packs to benefit from the experience of coaches, specialists and sportsmen and women in training, learning and motivation programs.


You will also be able to fill in a daily diary of your life. You will be able to print it every year and leave your children, grandchildren, a trace of your life and your experience.


ForgeMe is an application available via subscription. Indeed, we have chosen to charge for the use of ForgeMe, simply to be able to continue to develop the tool and guarantee you an optimal quality of product, but above all, we commit ourselves not to transmit to anyone your personal data. They will remain on your phone, tablet or computer. We attach absolute importance to the preservation of your data and your privacy.


Similarly, you will never receive any advertising or communication related to your use of ForgeMe, nor will you see any banner ads on the tool.


The principle


The principle of ForgeMe is to allow you to acquire habits, but also to be able to break down your projects into achievable sub-tasks that you can track. Failure or disappointment in our goals is very often linked to the fact that these goals are not directly achievable. They need to be broken down into several sub-tasks that can be achieved.


In the same way, who has not decided at the beginning of the year or at the end of the vacations to do sports, to start music, to start meditation, to start tidying up, etc...


And yet in 80% of the cases, it is a failure. The solution is simple: habit formation. By setting up a habit in ForgeMe (which can become a ritual) you will be able to achieve these dreams. Scientists estimate that it takes between 21 and 100 repetitions for an activity to become a habit. ForgeMe's tracking system will allow you to develop these habits. And you'll see that after 100 repetitions, you won't be able to do without it.


ForgeMe will bring you a last well being: free your mind. Indeed, all the tasks, repetitive or not, the objectives, the important dates that you have will be recorded. You will be more serene and your mind will be freer.